Societatea de Transport Public Timisoara

eTicket – Vaporetto leisure trip – aduts | STPT

30,00 lei

Please select the date and time for your journey.

PLEASE NOTE: trips take place ONLY on Saturdays and Sundays.

Out of stock

• Leisure trips to the Sânmihaiu Român Lock take place every Saturday and Sunday.
• The boarding for a leisure trip will take place from the “Catedrala Mitropolitană” station, the first ride being scheduled from 12 pm and the second ride from 17 pm.
• A leisure trip lasts about two hours and the cost is 30 lei for adults and 10 lei for children.
• Disabled people, children under 7 years old, pupils, students, and pensioners from Timiș County are free of charge on these trips, on the basis of supporting documents.

Travelling without a valid ticket is penalised according to the legal provisions in force [see travel regulations]